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4 signs you are a victim of age discrimination

As an older worker, you may face discrimination from your employer. It is against the law for your employer to discriminate against you because of your age. However, it may sometimes be difficult for you to tell that illegal discrimination is taking place.

Discriminatory practices are often subtle and take place over a long period of time. Here are some telltale signs you may be able to take legal action against your workplace for age discrimination.

One in five workers report being victims of sexual harassment

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a serious and prevalent problem. Unwelcome advances and requests for sexual favors are illegal because they create a hostile, offensive or intimidating work environment. According to a recent CNBC survey, one-fifth of U.S. adults are victims of sexual harassment.

This statistic alone shows how severe the issue is across the country. Let us take a deeper look at this survey and what kinds of sexual harassment people experience at their jobs.

How a retail store can accommodate employees with disabilities

If you work at a retail store and have a disability, it can be frustrating to suggest accommodations to your supervisors only to have them say, "Oh, that is not possible," and to disregard all of your suggestions. The unfortunate reality is that some companies are not as interested or invested as they should be in fostering accessible workplaces, and this can sometimes cross the line into illegality. It also tends to be bad for the bottom line, as a store that does not treat its employees well might not treat its customers all that great either.

So, if you have a disability and work in retail, what could your employer be doing better?

3 causes of disability discrimination

Disability discrimination is unfortunately common in the workplace. According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, discrimination against workers with disabilities can take the form of pay discrepancies, hiring or firing decisions, offensive remarks, failure to provide reasonable accommodations and unfair medical examinations. 

But why exactly is it so common for workplaces to be discriminatory toward disabled employees? Read more below on the roots of disability discrimination.

How cancer patients are protected in the workplace

A cancer diagnosis may affect your work life. The decisions you make about working after a cancer diagnosis depend on your finances, the demands of your recovery and the work you do. You may choose to work during your treatment or leave your job until your treatment is done.

Unfortunately, if you work during or after cancer treatment, you may be the victim of workplace discrimination. Discrimination against employees with cancer is illegal. Read below to learn about the protections and rights you have as a cancer patient in the workplace.

Can my boss tell my co-workers that I have cancer?

Telling your employer that you have cancer seems overwhelming enough. For example, you may be afraid that it will put your job in jeopardy. However, if your employer knows the law, the company would ideally exhaust all available options and reasonable accommodations before it considers anything like termination.

Of course, there are your co-workers too. Even if the talk with your boss goes great, you may be afraid of how your co-workers might react. In fact, you could be using so many accommodations that you feel anxious your co-workers will notice and think you are getting special treatment. Thus, the question arises of whether your boss can legally tell your co-workers that you have cancer.

3 work injuries that may result in workers' comp discrimination

The world can be a dangerous place, and the risks do not go away when you get to work. Workplace accidents can result in serious and disabling injuries. Severe yet nonfatal injuries can cause you to lose income, deal with expensive medical treatments and live with chronic pain. When you experience a workplace accident and deal with the costly consequences, you have the right to file a workers' compensation claim.

Unfortunately, no matter how badly you get injured or how surely you can prove negligence, your employer may take illegal action against you for pursuing compensation. Here are some disabling worker injuries, from a report by EHS Today, that your employer may not take seriously even though they are common.

Can men be discriminated against at work?

Many of the workplace discrimination cases that people hear about center on businesses treating female employees in a discriminatory manner. There is no question that high numbers of women face unfair challenges and treatment every day at work.

Interestingly enough, men face discrimination as well. Here are a few common scenarios in which this happens.

Do age discrimination laws cover you?

As an American employee, you have certain rights, and many state and federal laws exist so that no one takes advantage of you on the job. You may believe you were a victim of workplace age discrimination if your employer fired, demoted or otherwise treated you unjustly because of your age, but to have a legal case, you and your employer must meet specific criteria.

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act details your federal protections with regard to age discrimination, so if you feel you were a victim, the next step involves determining whether the ADEA covers you.

What does it mean to be put on light-duty at work?

It is an unfortunate fact that injuries in the workplace are a common occurrence. No matter if you work in a warehouse, office or medical facility, you are not immune to the risk of such danger. If you have become a victim of unsafe work conditions, your employer may suggest that you take a light-duty assignment while recuperating from your injuries. There are a few things you should know about this, though. 

A light-duty assignment typically means that a recovering employee will continue working in supposedly less strenuous conditions. According to Monster, employers do not have to offer light-duty, but there are a few things you should know about it nonetheless.

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