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Can men be discriminated against at work?

Many of the workplace discrimination cases that people hear about center on businesses treating female employees in a discriminatory manner. There is no question that high numbers of women face unfair challenges and treatment every day at work.

Interestingly enough, men face discrimination as well. Here are a few common scenarios in which this happens.

Requests for flexible working hours denied (while women's are not)

Many mothers are able to set up arrangements with their employers that provide flexible working hours. These hours may enable them to take care of children's medical appointments, school events and other necessaries without having to take a half day or entire day off work. However, when a man (or even a woman who does not have children) makes such requests and receives a denial, that could constitute a form of discrimination.

Mindsets that certain jobs are unsuitable for men

There is a stereotype in some professions that men are not suited for some jobs. A man who teaches preschool or kindergarten, for example, may experience ongoing comments or discrimination at work that his female counterparts do not. Similarly, a clothing store that sells women's clothes may practice gender discrimination if it refuses to hire men.

Common fields in which men may face denial for work or harassment on site include cosmetics, some types of education and nursing. It is not necessarily the women doing the discriminating, either. In an elementary school setting, it could be male administrators who are making the snide and harassing comments about a male kindergarten teacher. The discrimination can go bigger picture, too. Suppose a male kindergarten teacher decides to pursue the education to become a principal. If hiring committees at any schools decide not to hire him as principal because he used to teach kindergarten, that is a form of discrimination.

Pay disparities when on leave

Suppose a company has maternity and paternity leave. The maternity leave includes one week's paid leave while the paternity leave does not. That could pose a legal problem and may require the assistance of an attorney.

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