The world can be a dangerous place, and the risks do not go away when you get to work. Workplace accidents can result in serious and disabling injuries. Severe yet nonfatal injuries can cause you to lose income, deal with expensive medical treatments and live with chronic pain. When you experience a workplace accident and deal with the costly consequences, you have the right to file a workers' compensation claim.
Can men be discriminated against at work?
Many of the workplace discrimination cases that people hear about center on businesses treating female employees in a discriminatory manner. There is no question that high numbers of women face unfair challenges and treatment every day at work.
Do age discrimination laws cover you?
As an American employee, you have certain rights, and many state and federal laws exist so that no one takes advantage of you on the job. You may believe you were a victim of workplace age discrimination if your employer fired, demoted or otherwise treated you unjustly because of your age, but to have a legal case, you and your employer must meet specific criteria.
What constitutes disability discrimination?
If you have a disability, work in the United States and have an employer that must adhere to the Americans with Disabilities Act or the Rehabilitation Act, you have a right to a workplace free from disability discrimination. Essentially, disability discrimination refers to a set of actions or behaviors your employer or others in your place of business may take that result in unfavorable treatment toward you because of your disability.
Important facts about age discrimination in the workplace
Older employees may unfortunately discover that age discrimination is still alive and well, even in a tolerant and accepting state like California. There are many federal and state laws preventing employers from discriminating against job applicants and employees because of age, but perhaps the most important one is the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. The purpose of the ADEA is to protect applicants and employees who are 40 years old or older from discrimination.
Employment discrimination laws include mental disabilities
When you hear of disability discrimination in the workplace, you may think of people who are deaf or in wheelchairs. However, California law covers more than just physical issues. It also includes mental disabilities.
Common forms of pregnancy discrimination
As an expectant mother and an employee in California, you have certain rights and protections, and your employer may not terminate or otherwise discriminate against you because of your condition. Regrettably, pregnancy discrimination in the workplace is a serious problem affecting many women across California and the United States, even though Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects you.
What is reasonable employee accomodation for disabilities?
Both federal and California law prohibit discriminating against employees with disabilities. In practice, this means employers may not refuse to hire candidates because of their disability. They may also not treat an employee worse than others due to a disability.
What is California law on age discrimination?
The retirement age has increased over the years. Some work longer to establish the financial stability necessary for the lifestyle they desire once they retire. Others want to continue working for the physical, emotional and intellectual benefits it offers. Regardless of your reason for staying in the workforce longer, age discrimination can make it difficult for you to achieve your goal. It is important that you know what age discrimination is and how to recognize it so you can take action if it happens to you.
The key phrase in laws banning religious discrimination
The California Workplace Religious Freedom Act became effective on Jan. 1, 2013. Both state and federal laws that guarantee religious freedom in the workplace are similar in scope. However, the California statute addresses the matter with stronger language. In addition, there is one phrase in both federal and state law that draws different interpretations.