Accommodation Discrimination

If your ability to work is affected by a disability or medical condition, your employer has certain obligations under the law. An employer's failure to initiate a discussion about reasonable accommodations or provide those accommodations is a violation of state and federal law — and you deserve better treatment in the workplace.

At Lavi & Ebrahimian, LLP, we help employees with disabilities hold their employers accountable for discrimination. If discrimination has affected you or your career, our lawyers can help you aggressively pursue compensation for your losses.

What Are 'Reasonable Accommodations?'

Under state and federal law, employers are required to provide reasonable accommodations to employees with disabilities. A reasonable accommodation is any change in a job or workplace that allows a qualified employee with a disability to enjoy equal employment opportunities.

Examples of reasonable accommodations include:

  • Creating limitations on how much an employee is required to lift
  • Providing special equipment for employees who need it
  • Permitting employees to use accrued leave or providing additional unpaid leave
  • Providing reserved parking spaces and handicap access
  • Providing assistants or interpreters

An accommodation is not considered reasonable if it places undue hardship on the employer. For example, asking that an employer completely rebuild a facility or drastically change policies may not be seen as reasonable.

Put A Stop To Accommodation Discrimination. Contact Lavi & Ebrahimian, LLP.

To schedule a free initial consultation and find out whether you have a claim for discrimination based on a disability, we encourage you to contact us in Los Angeles, California, at 310-734-0170. One of our attorneys can answer your questions, advise you of your rights and help you take the first step in pursuit of the compensation you deserve.