Protective Gear And Preparation Time

The payment of wages in California is governed by complex state and federal laws. Generally, employers must pay workers for all hours worked, which includes time preparing equipment or donning special protective gear. At Lavi & Ebrahimian, LLP, in Los Angeles, we are aggressive advocates for employees pursuing unpaid wages.

Employers may require an employee to wear protective gear which is necessary to perform the duties of the job. Employers are generally required to pay workers for the time it takes them to take off and put on this protective gear. A California employer's failure to pay wages for time spent "donning or doffing" employee safety gear may result in unpaid wages to which the employee is entitled.

If you believe you are owed payment for time you have spent putting on or taking off required protective gear in the course of your employment, our attorneys can help you pursue compensation.

Employers also may require an employee to come in before their scheduled shift for work in preparation for their job duties. This may include cleaning a worksite or to make sure that equipment is at the employee's worksite. An employer's failure to pay wages for this preparation time may be a violation of wage and hour laws.

We're In Your Corner

When you are pursuing action against an employer for unpaid wages, you need a law firm that can level the playing field. Let us help you fight. Please contact us at 310-734-0170 to arrange a free initial consultation with one of our lawyers.